Piloting ReView Scheduled Recording

Lecturer teaching in a classroom

As you may know, many teaching staff are opting to record their lectures using Teesside’s ReView Lecture Capture system powered by Panopto. One of the drawbacks of the existing lecture capture set-up is its ad-hoc recording feature.  At present, staff are required to log-in to Blackboard to launch the software at the start of a lecture to record and end the recording manually…

Panopto app: Important information

Panopto logo

As part of the Future Facing Learning programme and the iPad roll-out, the Panopto mobile app is accessible to all staff and students. Using the app, students can view video recordings made available to them in their current and past modules without having to go into Blackboard. As teaching staff, you will still need to follow the process of recording and embedding video captures in your Blackboard module as you normally would…

Minecraft in Learning and Teaching Workshop

Minecraft in Learning and Teaching Workshop

We got all Minecrafty at Teesside University on 12th July with our first ever Minecraft in Bioscience’s workshop. The day started with an inspiring keynote lecture from Joel Mills, a Global Minecraft Mentor and Teaching Enhancement Advisor at Hull University, who has pioneered the use of Minecraft in Higher Education. To put it mildly he’s a Minecraft whizz and has developed educational worlds…

Future Facing Learning – Sandpit Events

The Teesside University Future Facing Learning logo

For those staff undertaking the Future Facing Learning Digital Development Programme, we’re pleased to announce our Sandpit events. The Sandpit features contributions from Microsoft and our partners from XMA, and provides an opportunity to share practice and ideas across multi-disciplinary teams and also to find out about additional features or tools not covered as part of the core training programme…

Bite-size video, the way forward?

Bite-size video, the way forward?

Bite-size is effectively ‘chunking’ relevant content into manageable nuggets of information. It is a great way to engage learners who prefer snappy, accessible and easy to remember content. Making information available in digestible portions provides students with the opportunity to work through material in stages, allowing them to focus on topics, which results in deeper, more meaningful learning…