This is a guest blog post by Dr Mark Butler, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader MSc Intelligence and Data Analytics from School of Science, Engineering & Design. He currently teaches crime scene examination techniques as well as intelligence analysis. Email:
Using Bespoke ReView Screencasts to Enhance the Student Learning Experience in Chemical Engineering

Reaction engineering is a core chemical engineering topic that relies heavily on integral calculus and mathematical modelling. At Teesside University, it is taught in modules across two years – simple reactor modelling at Level 5, and complex reactor modelling at Level 6.
Whilst many students demonstrate high levels of attainment on both modules, the topic is considered challenging and a significant proportion struggle to master the mathematics contained within.
Turnitin App: Knowledge Acquisition through Multimodal Feedback

Whilst the developments in linking theory to practice have had positive and transformative impact on students it remains the case that the nature of feedback given to the student is a key factor influencing the skill–acquisition process and enables students to become an effective reflective practioner.
Traditionally, sports therapy staff have provided written subjective feedback on different components of core Sports Therapy skills. Time constraints and large cohorts, has made it difficult for staff to provide students’ with regular individual support, guidance and in-depth feedback.
Peer Assessment through Microsoft Sway

Ambroise got in touch with the Digital Learning Team as he was interested in looking at ways to get the students to interact with each other through peer support and assessment. The project came with some conditions that had to be met. For example, the assessment had to be anonymous where possible. Each student would also need to be allocated 10 random presentations to assess.
The presentations were created using Microsoft Sway. Students had already expressed interest in the tool after seeing some examples, and this was therefore a great opportunity to explore using Sway in a way the students might not have thought about.
Supporting Collaborative Work and Student Advocacy using the FFL Toolkit

This academic year saw me teaching large cohorts of students. I wanted to encourage interactivity, as I believe it plays a vital part in the session delivery. I was conscious that with large groups, this can sometimes be problematic. Therefore, I needed a way in order to try and get all students engaging during sessions.
Increased Engagement and Collaboration using Microsoft Teams in an Accounting Module

The FFL toolkit has been instrumental in increasing collaboration and engagement with technology in the discipline of Accounting and Finance. In particular the tools have been employed in a module at level 5 called Financial Accounting as part of the BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance course. This is a 20 credit semester-long module with a two hour lecture and two hour seminar every week.
In the first half of the course we discuss the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility. I present the main theories and approaches in the lecture and then the seminar is used to discuss and apply the theory.
Engineering Mathematics Classroom – Teaching using Desmos Software

Engineering Mathematics (ENG 1005-N) is a core first year module for all first year Engineering students. The cohort is usually large consisting of about 200 students. The module deals with the concepts of functions and calculus to help seal the foundations for the engineering modules.
The module is taught using lectures and tutorial sessions in GPT rooms and typically includes demonstration of mathematical problems on the white board or using the visualiser. This was accompanied by the students trying out tutorial exercises on paper.
Digital Week – free Microsoft exams

You may have seen the recent article on the University website about the success of the Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) exams that were held during the Learning & Teaching Conference earlier this month when 27 staff successfully achieved MCE certification.
Exploring Practice-based Exemplars of Effective use of Microsoft Teams in Learning and Teaching

Are you interested in seeing some examples of work from across the University on how Microsoft Teams can be used to support Learning and Teaching activities? At the LTE Conference on 8th March there’s the opportunity to do just that.
Exploring Practice-based Innovations using Microsoft OneNote in the Higher Ed Classroom

Interested in ideas about how you can incorporate Microsoft OneNote and the Class Notebook into your modules and learning and teaching activities? Then we might have just the session for you at the forthcoming LTE Conference, taking place on Thursday 7th March 2019!…