Student Learning & Academic Registry is comprised of the following workstreams and offers services as detailed below.

Academic Development

The Academic Development workstream provides a project-based working methodology across Student Learning & Academic Registry (SLAR).

It leads on nurturing excellence through its Professional Development Framework supporting and promoting external recognition and the promotional pathways around learning and teaching.

We also co-ordinate SLAR/University engagement with TNE partners.

Find out more here. 

Academic Policy & Regulations

The Academic Policy and Regulations (APR) team maintains the University’s Academic Assessment Regulations and associated policies, manages External Examining and administers the University’s Committees Framework.  APR also manages interactions at an institutional level with external quality assessment bodies, engages with the Office for Students (OfS) on the B Conditions of Registration relating to ‘Quality, Reliable Standards and Positive Outcomes for All Students’ and liaises with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).

Find out more here. 

Digital Transformation

With digital teaching excellence and the creation of outstanding student learning experiences at the heart of the operations of the Digital Transformation team in SLAR, we are pivotal in shaping and supporting the institution in innovative approaches to digital learning and delivery.

Find out more here.

Quality Assurance & Validation

The Quality Assurance and Validation workstream maintains oversight and management of the University’s approval and periodic review processes, works closely with partners in the UK and internationally, co-ordinates the approval of institutional partnerships and mid-point reviews and is responsible for University’s portfolio development and Continuous Monitoring & Enhancement processes.

Find out more here. 

Student Learning 

The Student Learning workstream of Student Learning & Academic Registry (SLAR) consists of the Student Success and Student Journey Team.

The Student Success Team has been created with the aim of delivering high-impact, data-driven interventions for individual students at most risk of disengagement. The team’s proactive interventions will reach a large number of students in targeted groups. The SST’s observational work will involve ongoing monitoring of TU students using the StREAM data analytics system. Reactive interventions, consisting of a programme of bespoke 1:1 tutorials, will be provided for students referred to the programme by schools, or for students who have shown signs of significant disengagement through attendance and other data indicators on StREAM.

Find out more here.