Last Wednesday (19th September) LTE supported Teesside University Business School (TUBS) as they ran an induction event for around 200 students in the newly refurbished Business School premises.
In keeping with the Future Facing Learning agenda and the co-creation focus within the Business School, students were involved in an activity to support the development of new branding for TUBS. They were asked to contribute by moving through the building in small groups, using their mobile devices and the Padlet app.
The students scanned QR codes in various locations throughout the building and shared their ideas feedback on the brand development work conducted so far. Students also engaged with a range of wider brand building questions linked to the new Business School.
Dr David Norris, Associate Dean (Marketing and Recruitment), Teesside University Business School, who led the event, said: ‘It was designed to induct students into the new Business School and engage students in the co-creation of the Business School brand through a range of interactive activities. We had approximately 200 students involved in the activity and the feedback and creative ideas that we received from the students were fantastic and will add real value to the brand development activity that is taking place.’