Tees Made 2nd again

For the 2nd year running a team of staff and 3rd students from Product Design took on similar teams from around the University in the Festival of Learning Challenge.

Like last year each team had to complete a number of physical and mental tasks against the clock. Despite coming 2nd again it was immense fun and winning the silver meant a healthy prize of £250. The award will help bolster the money already raised by the students to exhibit their work at the New Designers 2016 Exhibition which is taking place at the Business Design Centre, London in July

Third time lucky next year.

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Mentoring future designers

We recently held the 2nd of three mentoring sessions with year 12 and 13 students from The King’s Academy. 3rd year product design students gave help and advice with the development of their  college projects. As part of the visit they also had a digital illustration workshop where they learnt how to use PhotoShop as a rendering tool and produced some great work. The next session in early April will see the Kings Academy students bring in their final designs solutions in model form for a final critique.


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A welcome return.

Last week we were delighted to welcome Tina Gray, Head of Innovation and Design at Mayborn Group , to the University. Tina gave a special guest lecture entitled “Working in Design, Perspectives from a leading design and manufacturing company”

Mayborn are best known for their Tommee Tippee brand which can be found in the major highstreet retailers.    Their feeding, weaning and monitoring products are used by parents and children around the world. Tina gave some insights into the Mayborn design and development process from briefing to production, and some of the issues that operate in this highly competitive market.Tina also discussed the skills and qualities that she looks for when recruiting designers.

After the lecture Tina spent the afternoon in the Product Design studio talking informally with students “one-to-one” and in small groups.

Tina and Mayborn are great friends of the course and it always pleasure to welcome our friends to give specialist lectures.




New Designers 2016

The New Designers exhibition is one of the most important annual events for Design students, and a chance for students from across the nation to meet with industry figures and employers.  Held in the diverse London district of Islington at the Business Design Centre, the show offers students a chance to showcase their work and canvas ideas to a variety of Designers, buyers, trend predictors and members of the public.    The atmosphere and venue encourage curiosity and invite viewers to a whole range of different Design and Crafts related displays.

As of 2016, New Designers will have been going for 31 years – an established, and well recognized show to be sure.  The exhibition is supported by many Event and Media partners. These renowned establishments, such as The Design Trust, The Design Museum, Design Nation and Icon, are among many expected to be attending the coming show.

Held each year, usually in late June and early July, the exhibition is a regular spot for third year design students at Teesside University.  For some, this is a springboard opportunity to help launch their new careers, or begin to develop a contact network – invaluable in the field of Design.  Employers also look to find fresh talent among graduates, and many former Teesside students have been offered work placements and internships while displaying their work at the exhibition.  The exhibition also caters for younger students, with regular campaigns aimed at high school, A-level and college academics.  For younger students considering university level study, this is an excellent opportunity to meet tutors and graduates in person.


Click the image above to see more Class of 2015 work at New Designers.

Here, we can see the previous third year’s finished stand at New Designers.  The location is prime, and although the show is supported by sponsors and partners, the price of our stand requires some fundraising and more than a little creative thinking.

You can read more at NewDesigners.

‘Stirring Stuff’


Must read interview in the Top Gear magazine with Marek Reichman, Teesside Graduate and Aston Martin’s design boss, on creating a car for the world’s most famous secret agent.

Click on here to read the article.


Packaging ‘All Stars’…

A great time was had last night at the Starpack Awards which were held this year in the National Space Centre , Leicester.

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Congratulations to 2nd year Product Design students Calum Brookbanks and Lewis White for winning silver and bronze awards respectively.

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It was also great to meet up with Design Graduate Richard Turnock who was receiving an industry award. Richard who now works for Multi Packing Solutions as their Senior Construction Designer, graduated from Teesside in 2000. In 1999 he was in the same position as Calum and Lewis winning a Gold in the Starpack Awards. Talk about things going full circle.


Tees Made in London


Last week, in the sweltering heat of London, students from Product Design exhibited their final project work at the New Designers Exhibition in Islington.


Funding for the exhibition was raised by the students through organized events, ‘live’ projects and through sponsorship.


New Designers takes place every year at the Business Design Centre which was once the Royal Horticultural Hall. Over 3.500 graduates exhibited from institutes all across the UK.

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New Designers allows students to showcase their work alongside fellow graduates from across the UK with the aim of getting themselves noticed and that first foot on the ladder, which will help shape their future.

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It was a great week with lots of interest from both the Industry and potential employers. We also welcomed a lot of ex-students onto the stand who had come along specifically to catch up and to meet the current graduates.



Creative Tees Made

Last night saw the opening of the Product Design Degree show which is part of Creative Teesside. It was a busy night with friends, family and colleagues from Industry all celebrating the hard work that went into the projects on display.

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The show will be open for the rest of the week. Everybody is welcome to visit.