Tees Made in London 2018

Last week, in the sweltering heat of London, students from product design exhibited their final project work at the New Designers Exhibition in Islington.

New Designers takes place every year at the Business Design Centre which was once the Royal Horticultural Hall. Over 3.500 graduates exhibited from institutes all across the UK.

New Designers allows students to showcase their work alongside fellow graduates from across the UK with the aim of getting themselves noticed and that first foot on the ladder, which will help shape their future.

Funding for the exhibition was raised by the students, through organized events and ‘live’ projects, and through sponsorship. Alongside the exhibition students produced postcards, mini portfolios , business cards and t-shirts to help promote themselves and their work.

This year was arguably our most successful to date with plenty of interest for all the students and potential employment opportunities. Good luck class of 2018.


Tees Made in London 2017

Last week, during probably the hottest week of the year, Graduates of Product Design exhibited their work at the New Designers Exhibition.

New Designers, hailed as the most important design event in the UK, ensures the life cycle of the design industry continues and thrives. It provokes fresh thinking and kick-starts careers, providing a pipeline of young talent into one of the UK’s leading sectors.

Each year brings 3,000 graduate talents from the UK’s leading design courses to exhibit and showcase their work with the aim of networking and getting themselves noticed.

This year was arguably our most successful to date with plenty of interest for all the students and potential employment opportunities. One student, Ben Ryder, was selected as one of the top 20 show highlights from all those exhibiting by Innovate UK, the Knowledge Transfer Network.

Our students, through organised events and ‘live’ projects, and through sponsorship, raised funding for the exhibition.

Product Design alumni receives honorary doctorate

John Barratt, President and Chief Executive Officer of US-based global design consultancy TEAGUE, received an honorary doctorate in Business Administration at this year’s graduation ceremony.

Founded in 1926, TEAGUE is considered to be the most important design consultancy in the world. John joined TEAGUE in 1999, after working in leading positions at Philips Design. He has dedicated his time to building on TEAGUE’s heritage, strengthening partnerships with some of the world’s leading brands including Intel, Starbucks, The Boeing Company and Samsung and pushing TEAGUE’s longstanding mission ‘to build a new and better world’ into the 21st century.

John studied at what was then Teesside Polytechnic, graduating in 1988 with a BA (Hons) Three Dimensional Design – Industrial Design. John said of his time at the University: ‘Teesside helped shape the person I am today. It taught me the philosophy of doing over talking, thinking through making and creating a culture that prioritises the ‘we’ over ‘me’. The notion of team is something I learned at Teesside and the experience has been the foundation to my life’.

You can listen to John here.

Fun in the sun.

Great to see the Class of 2016 enjoying their graduation in the sun today.  It was probably a shade too hot but it certainly added too the day. There was a fantastic atmosphere in campus heart and throughout the University.IMG_2012 IMG_2014 IMG_2015 IMG_2016 IMG_2017

Also what a  pleasure it was to meet up with Product Design graduate John Barrett, who was here to receive an honorary doctorate from the University. John graduated in 1988, from the then Teesside Polytechnic, and is now President and Chief Executive Officer of US-based global design consultancy TEAGUE.

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John gave a wonderfully inspiring speech, talking fondly about his time at Teesside and how the course helped to mould his hugely successful career.


Good luck to all our graduates.


New Designers @ Teesside University

By Connor Marsden Year 3 student:

Each year, the third year product design students at Teesside inherit the New Designers society.  This group of students is primarily a means to organise fundraising activity for the New Designers stands at the end of the academic year.  Three students this year have taken on key roles within the Society.


Tim Hargreaves, Lawrie Ward and Ffion Crowhurst have each taken the positions of Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.  Their task this year is to organise events and manage the society as we being to raise funds for our stand at New Designers 2016, next summer.  With the new construction and developments around the University – Not least of all the Curve – Campus Heart is a hive of activity.  This gives us an excellent position to organise fundraising activities for the New Designer’s fund.

So far, the society has held a number of small events – bake stalls, cake stands and the like.  On the evening of Halloween, a group of us also partook in a sponsored hike.  Many attended in fitting Halloween attire, to the bafflement of every other hiker we passed along the way.    The trip began at the foot of Highcliff Nab, one of the cliffs overlooking Teesside and the surrounding area.   The trek then began through the moorlands, and on to to Captain Cook Monument above Great Ayton.  The weather was unseasonably pleasant, and by the fourth hour we reached the base of Roseberry topping.  The hill itself is one of the tallest in Northern Yorkshire, with a magnificent view for miles around.


Though the trip was almost non-stop, we managed the reach the topping – and in doing so, raised a considerable sum towards our New Designers stand.  As Christmas is approaching, we’ve taken some time to brainstorm new ideas for more events up to and after the New Year.  Some of our members have taken the time to begin crafting Christmas gifts, and touch up their model making skills while doing so!
