Worldwide Recognition – update

3rd year Product Design student David Donaghue received his World Packaging Organisation World Star Student Award at the end of May at the awards ceremony and gala dinner at the Empire Hall , Prague.


The WorldStar Student Awards competition is owned and produced by the World Packaging Organisation. It is an international packaging design competition for students – undergraduate or graduate – from countries around the world who are involved in projects in the field of packaging, including structural design and/or graphic design.

The competition is open to students who have won a legitimate local award in their region or country. David won a gold Award last year for his anti-glugging petrol can design in the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Student Starpack Awards.

David is one of 3 overall winners from all over the world. The winners brochure can be found here:

A great achievement. David is 3rd from the right.

What are they doing now…

Find out more about the graduates from the class of 2015 – Davey, Mārtiņš, Lui and Stephen

The boys are back in town.

Last week saw the return of four graduates from 2015. It was great to welcome back David Johnson, Martin Elerts, Lui Zatrak and Stephen Mounser . On the morning they delivered a joint presentation to students across design about their time at Teesside, friendships and their careers to date.

In the afternoon they spent time in the studio with our current 3rd year  giving some really good advice and industry insights.

Thanks again to the ‘class of 2015’ until the next time.