Michelle’s career continues to accelerate

Please excuse the obvious puns!

Michelle graduated in 2010 and, through a knowledge Transfer Partnership, was employed by Multi National automotive component and precision injection moulding manufacturer, Nifco UK.    Michelle was mentored by Senior Lecturer, Peter Reid (that’s me!) to develop new products for the company and to investigate how New Product Development could be more fully utilised within the company.   At the end of the project Michelle was offered a full time position, now manages accounts with Jaguar Land Rover and Ford and travels internationally… but why not let Michelle tell you the rest…

‘Cut’ above the rest


3rd Year student Abigail Holden has won a silver award in the Institute of Materials Student Starpack Competition. The judges said of her design for scissor packaging using only corrogated cardboard :

Very clever answer to the brief.  The fact it is from one net is very impressive.  It put a smile on all the judges’ faces.  All in all a great concept.”


Abi, pictured here with her 2 dogs, Ruby and Gracie, was delighted with the win and is looking forward to the award evening at the IOM headquarters on the 11th July in London.


Abi’s work will be showcased a week earlier in London at the New Designers 2013 Exhibition.

Working with Industry

Godfrey Syrett Visit

This week, students from yr 2 visited North East manufacturer Godfrey Syrett as part of a “live” industry linked project.    The students are developing design solutions to a variety of problems centred on the future office and better learning environments.

The trip included a presentation from Financial Director Craig Billingham, a factory tour and review of a range of existing products.

The students will be presenting their designs to the company in early May but the story is not likely to end there so watch this space…



Product Design Discovery Day – PhotoShop Illustration

Today, students from Darlington College along with their Tutor Rob Elliott visited Teesside University and took part in the Product Design Discovery.

“Illustrating ideas is a core skill for designers, regardless of their discipline. Traditionally this is done on paper either freehand or with drawing aids – rulers, compasses and templates. These drawings are then rendered using markers and pastels.
PhotoShop, which was originally developed for photo editing, has been adopted throughout the design and film industry as an illustration package, due to its powerful array of tools. These tools allow you to apply colour and tone in much the same way as using marker and pencils.”

Having no prior experience with digital illustration and PhotoShop the students produced some excellent work. Below are some examples.DD-01

DD-02 DD-03 DD-04 DD-05 DD-06