My Degree, My Future: An LTE Conference

My Degree, My Future: An LTE Conference

The Oxford English Dictionary definition of Conference is “a formal meeting of people with a shared interest”, an apposite description of the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Conference on 16th March 2017. Students and staff from Teesside University and its partner colleges met to discuss employability and student futures, and it was great to see so many people engaged with this agenda…

Durham Blackboard (and non Blackboard) Users’ Conference

LTE Online

Firstly let me start with offering my thanks to Durham University Learning Technologies Team for organising the event and being great hosts. Also apologies that I have a limited amount of photographs as I did not play the role of the paparazzi this year. The ones I do have, mainly of the food as I was very impressed by the catering, have already been used by Chris.

This year the theme was Location, Location, Location and they definitely have the right location to host this conference; a picturesque and beautiful city…

Location, Location, Location: A trip to the Durham Blackboard Users’ Conference 2011

LTE Online

This year’s conference was themed “Location, Location, Location” – a phrase that made a lot more sense to me once someone explained that it is also a reference to a popular televisual programme (m’lud). But enough of my inadequate grasp of Popular Culture – what sort of ideas does this expression encompass?

As you might have guessed, there was exploration of the idea that E-learning can overcome geographical and temporal constraints on learning – i.e. no longer having to be at a specific place (say a Lecture Theatre) at a specific time (say 9am on a Monday) in order to “learn”.

Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference 2010 – Swansea

LTE Online

For the last few days I’ve been in Swansea for the first Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference, a 3 day event hosted by Swansea University. Focused on innovation and looking forward, the conference had almost 50 presentations from institutions around the world and from Blackboard themselves, in this post I’ll be writing about some of the presentations I saw during the conference.