‘Embedding Student and Staff Well-Being in the Curriculum’: call for papers

‘Embedding Student and Staff Well-Being in the Curriculum’: call for papers

A call for papers is now open for the 3 Rivers Regional Learning & Teaching Conference 2019. This year’s theme is ‘Embedding Student and Staff Well-Being in the Curriculum’. Contributions are welcomed on this and any other learning and teaching initiatives in higher-education. Presentations should be in the format of either a 15 minute talk or a Show a Tell, where you can demonstrate a new learning and teaching initiative over coffee to the delegates…

Launching Module Evaluations for 18/19

Launching Module Evaluations for 18/19

Module evaluations are designed to inform the enhancement of learning and teaching across the University, and therefore contribute to the delivery of an outstanding student and learning experience. Through engaging staff and students in the evaluation and reporting process, module evaluations stimulate meaningful dialogue concerning pedagogic practice and the student experience…