This post will look at some of the more common questions related to the Blackboard VLE and how to resolve them.
Setting up your Blackboard Site for the new academic year
This blog post will look at some of the key considerations with regards to setting up your module for the new academic year.
Batch Downloading Assignments
Blackboard comes with a few different approaches to downloading your student submissions. This article looks at two different methods, and will take you through the steps needed…
Weighted Totals and the Grade Centre
When a module has more than one assignment, we often create weighted totals. For example, one assignment might count towards 70% of the final mark. The other assignment might count towards the remaining 30%. Blackboard can calculate this for you, saving you time and effort…
Managing Group Assignments
There are many times when students work in groups on an assignment. Blackboard allows you to set up group work, including group submissions. This article will take a quick look at the process, signposting to existing articles where relevant…
Using ReView/Panopto to record your lectures
ReView is Teesside University’s lecture capture solution. It gives a straight forward approach to recording lectures that students can then consume in their own time. It can also be used for personal capture – such as monologues, walk-throughs, even short pep-talks. Whilst the University is undergoing such disruption, these videos will become invaluable aids for your students who cannot be on campus…
Quick Toolkit Tips – Padlet
Padlet is a bit like a bulletin board where participants can post a variety of items onto a digital wall…
Using Socrative to enhance the lecture
Kate Byrnes has been exploring the use of Socrative in her sessions. This article looks at how she has used Socrative and how it applies to the FFL Toolkit.
Annotating in Office Lens
A little while ago, Microsoft made some very interesting developments to their wonderful Office Lens app. We will look at those enhancements in a minute but first, let’s take a quick look at Office Lens. If you’ve not used it before, it’s a very handy app that can “scan” a variety of materials: whiteboards, documents, business cards and so on..
Asking questions in a lecture using the FFL Toolkit
We often get asked about how academics can get students to ask questions in real time during a lecture, using the future facing learning (FFL) toolkit. Giving students the voice and confidence to be able to ask questions is a key part of the FFL project…