Did you know about the new EU directives on digital accessibility? In association with Dr Abi James NADP are offering training events on Improving Digital Accessibility & the new EU Directive during March 2019. In her workshop delegates will be introduced to guidelines, techniques and regulations for improving digital accessibility…
Enhancing Q&As with the FFL toolkit
The following is an example of how supporting students was addressed through the Future Facing Learning toolkit of apps. The need to quickly provide feedback to students was addressed through an asynchronous Q&A space within Padlet enhanced with video recording with Panopto app of live explanations provided within class…
Different ways to view Sway presentations
Microsoft Sway is for creating online presentations and interactive reports. Sway content is presented online and has numerous ways to customise viewing and navigation even if you didn’t create the Sway yourself. If you have not used Sway before here is a Sway presentation example for you to view…
Using Forms to create a quick poll in Teams
Within Microsoft Teams you can easily add a real time poll to the conversation area by mentioning Microsoft Forms. Great for instantly gaining quick feedback from your students. Polls can be created on the go through the iPad app…
Setting up group permissions within Class Notebook Collaboration Spaces
With Microsoft Teams you can set up a Class Team. Class Teams include a Class Notebook (OneNote) which once set-up provides a Collaboration Space that allow teachers and students to collaborate on group projects. The Collaboration Space in the Class Notebook is by default available for all members of the Team to edit…
Setting up your e-portfolio
Would you like to start building your e-portfolio? Marjorie Wilson (University Teaching Fellow in SoHSC) has created a guide to help staff and students set-up their portfolio within our e-portfolio@tees system. Based on the ethos that there are three simple steps to
Future Facing Learning with the Jisc Digital discovery tool
For those of you who are engaging with the Future Facing Learning programme the Jisc Digital discovery tool is a key learning activity for you to assess your digital capabilities. We are offering this as a means for you to explore your digital practice both generally and within your teaching context…