Developing Excellence in Learning & Teaching (DELT) – SLAR Briefing Session

Developing Excellence in Learning & Teaching (DELT) – SLAR Briefing Session

This Student Learning and Academic Registry (SLAR) briefing session will take place online Thursday July 6th (09.30 – 10.00am)  will outline the university’s commitment to both enhancement and recognition within the learning and teaching space providing an illustration of how they are operationalised and aligned, alongside wider CPD, to support academic staff…

Professional Standards Framework (PSF) 2023 and Teesside University’s Transition Arrangements

LTE Online

Teesside University has its own Professional Development Framework for teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education: RELT (Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching). It encompasses our PgCLTHE taught programme and our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme; it is accredited by Advance HE (AHE) providing external and independent confirmation that these programmes are aligned with the Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education…