Become a UKAT Affiliate Member – Introducing UKAT Affiliate Membership

Become a UKAT Affiliate Member –  Introducing UKAT Affiliate Membership

UKAT, the United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring association, is a body of professional practitioners and researchers interested in all aspects of student advising and personal tutoring in Higher Education in the UK.

Teesside University is a UKAT Member Institution, and one additional benefit of Institutional Membership is the introduction of a new Affiliate Membership category. Until now, only a handful of staff from each Member Institution have been able to directly access all resources through the UKAT website.  This additional benefit means that all TU staff can now register as a UKAT Affiliate Member free of charge…

Recent Fellowship Successes through the University’s Professional Development Framework

LTE Online

Teesside University’s Professional Development Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning: Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELT) encompasses our taught and CPD programmes. RELT is accredited by Advance HE providing external and independent confirmation that our PgCLTHE and CPD Programmes are aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF).  It provides participants with the opportunity to be professionally recognised through the Advance HE’s Fellowship Scheme and since September 2018, 90 awards have been made through RELT. Read more to find out about our recent staff success…