In November 2017, the University launched a revised approach to the design and delivery of module evaluations, supported by the implementation of the EvaSys online module evaluation system. The adoption of EvaSys is designed contribute to the delivery of an outstanding student and learning experience, in alignment with the Learning and Teaching Strategy, through informing the enhancement of learning and teaching across the University.
The module evaluation period for Semester 2, 2024/25, will launch on Monday 10th March 2025 and run until Sunday 23rd March 2025.
As with previous evaluation periods, students should be encouraged to complete the survey online though email communication from module tutors, and in class. Students will be able to access their module evaluation surveys through email, via Blackboard and via the Student Survey Portal.
In October 2023 via SLEC, the survey questions were updated to reflect the amended National Student Survey (NSS). The survey will consist of twelve short questions. The questions explore student experiences of each module, scored on a five-point scale. A free text box is also provided for additional comments. Students studying on-line modules will also receive survey questionnaires, with the wording below altered to reflect the different nature of their studies. The questions are as follows:
Question | Possible responses |
How good are teaching staff at explaining things to you? | Very good / Good / Not very good / Not at all good / This does not apply to me |
How clear are the marking criteria used to assess your work? | Very clear / Clear / Not very clear / Not at all clear / This does not apply to me |
Feedback is helping me develop and improve my learning. | Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
This module is challenging me to do my best work. | Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
How well organised is your module? | Very well organised / Well organised / Not very well organised / Not at all well organised / This does not apply to me |
How well is your module developing your knowledge and skills that you think you will need for your future? | Very well / Well / Not very well / Not at all well / This does not apply to me |
How well are IT resources and facilities supporting your learning? | Very well / Well / Not very well / Not at all well / This does not apply to me |
How well are library resources (e.g., books, online services and learning spaces) supporting your learning? | Very well / Well / Not very well / Not at all well / This does not apply to me |
To what extent do you get the right opportunities to give feedback on your module? | To a large extent / To some extent / To a small extent / Not at all / This does not apply to me |
I feel part of a learning community | Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
I am having the opportunity to use digital tools or technologies to enhance my learning in this module | Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of this module. | Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
The timetable for the Semester 2 module evaluation cycle is as follows:
Timetable | |
Module Evaluation Surveys open | Monday 10th March (Early Morning) |
Reminder sent to non-respondents | Monday 17th & 24th March |
Module Evaluation Surveys close | Sunday 30th March (Late Evening) |
Completion of Module Reflections by academic staff starts | Monday 31st March |
Deadline for completion of Module Reflections by academic staff | Friday 25th April |
Module Reflections sent automatically to students | Monday 28th April |
Module Reflections and Module Review
When the surveys have closed, Module Leaders are asked to complete their “Module Reflections” for each of their modules. These are commentaries on the results of each survey, responding in part to the numbers, but also answering the questions “What went well?” and “Where could improvements be made?”. This period starts on Monday 31st March.
Numerical results plus the Module Reflections for each module will be emailed automatically to all students studying that module on Monday 28th April.
Module Leaders are also asked to complete the “Module Review” for each of their modules. Similar to the Reflections, these are staff facing comments emailed to the Course Leader which will ultimately form part of the annual Course Reports.
We have produced some detailed guidance aimed at module leaders around how to complete Reflections and Reviews to best effect, as well as how to engage your students in the whole survey process.
Supporting Documentation
To support Module Leaders in accessing the Instructor Portal to monitor response rates and complete their Module Reflections and Module Review, LTE have prepared the following user guides.
Module Leaders – Accessing the Instructor Portal
Module Leaders – Completing Module Reflections
Module Leaders – Completing Module Reviews
Module Leaders – How To Engage Your Students and Writing Effective Reflections and Reviews
Contact Us
If you have any queries regarding the Module Evaluation Surveys, please email