Over the last year Academic Registry has been reviewing the offer around Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that it provides to colleagues across the University. We have worked collaboratively and considered holistically all the CPD we provide, and subsequently developed a set of principles which underpin our offer:
- Support and promote curriculum innovation and transformation leading to enhancements in the student experience.
- Future Facing Learning underpins the Academic Registry CPD Offer.
- The themes within Future Facing Learning are embedded throughout.
- Aligned to Teesside 2020 and to the UK Professional Standards Framework.
- Designed through a collaborative approach drawing on expertise, knowledge and innovation across the University.
- Bespoke and flexible delivery with the emphasis on facilitation.
- Develop professional high-quality staff involved in teaching and supporting Learning in Higher Education.
- Support and develop excellence in learning and teaching with clear routes to career progression linked to PDPR.
There has been a significant amount of work (which is ongoing) around revising and developing sessions to ensure that, as and where appropriate, they embrace and reflect the strategic direction of the University and specifically Future Facing Learning. The Future Facing Learning Framework (see diagram below) is a key component in shaping the TU Graduate brand. Through this framework we will deliver courses that focus on students being:
- Future Ready
- Socially and Ethically Engaged
- Research Active
- Globally Connected
- Digitally Empowered
More information will follow around our Future Facing Learning CPD offer; further details of sessions (including bookings) can be accessed here.