Want to know more about how the Future Facing Toolkit can enhance your learning and teaching practice?

Following on from the first phase of Future Facing Learning workshops the Digital Learning Team are offering Masterclasses and Coaching sessions.  Staff who have attended the Future Facing Learning Digital Development Programme are invited to sign-up to Masterclasses to explore the full capabilities of the Toolkit apps.

The Masterclasses include sessions on the Microsoft 365 apps: Teams, Forms, OneNote, Sway and OneDrive alongside office apps Word, PowePoint and Excel.  We will also explore the Padlet, Panopto and Socrative apps as part of your Toolkit.

How the Masterclasses can help you

Microsoft Teams is at the center of the Toolkit for collaboration and group working amongst students and peers.  We are delivering regular sessions this semester on Teams to provide you with the opportunity to explore its full range of features and to assist you in setting up Teams for group work depending upon your needs.  For those of you using Class Teams the OneNote session will explain how the Class Notebook can be used for collaboration amongst students, resource sharing and as a private space for note taking.

To further support collaborative working the Core apps and OneDrive session will look at how we can work together on resources in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.  The options for sharing and saving of files through the OneDrive cloud storage is discussed.

To support your students learning the Masterclasses on Socrative, Forms and Padlet will explore how to create spaces and varied opportunities for student participation and feedback.

For those of you who want to enhance your digital creation skills the Masterclasses on Sway and Panopto (ReView) will provide you with opportunities to create engaging learning resources in these practical based sessions.

Coaching blocks

If you have a learning activity in mind we are also offering short-term Coaching blocks.  The Digital Learning Team are here to help you plan, implement and evaluate your learning activity through one-to-one coaching meetings.  If you are unsure of how to use the toolkit in your teaching we can also discuss your needs with you.

Discover available dates and book your place by clicking here.

Enhance Your Practice with FFL Masterclasses

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