Did you know about the new EU directives on digital accessibility? In association with Dr Abi James NADP are offering training events on Improving Digital Accessibility & the new EU Directive during March 2019. In her workshop delegates will be introduced to guidelines, techniques and regulations for improving digital accessibility…
Looking back…

Let’s face it – we’re all busy people.. as demands on our time increase it’s very easy to jump from one task to the next without having chance to absorb what’s just happened. Earlier this week I put together details of
Screenshots from Microsoft Outlook 2013

Microsoft Outlook 2013 has some very nice new features but one that I’ve been finding very useful is the inclusion of a screen grab facility. There have been many times when I’ve needed to be able to send a screen
Questions in Blackboard – the Easy Way!

Putting tests into your module is a great way of allowing the students to test themselves as well as letting you see the progress they are making…Here we offer a relatively quick and painless solution – use Microsoft Excel.
Perfecting PowerPoint (how can you not read this?!)

We’ve all heard it, ‘death by powerpoint’, and we know that we might want to do things differently, or even break away from the whole 55 min standupandlecture thing, but it’s just so hard to do, right? For myself, I