Our Annual TUCP Conference is taking place on Friday 30th August 2024, 9.30 am – 4pm. Please save the date….
TUCP Conference – Save the Date!

Our Annual TUCP Conference is taking place on Friday 30th August 2024, 9.30 am – 4pm. Please save the date….
In light of the rescheduled Student Learning ‘Student Success Through Partnership’ Conference, we are delighted to be able to reopen the window for a short period for anyone still wishing to submit a student partnership project for inclusion. The new
We are approaching the nomination deadline for the Student Success Through Partnership: A Student Learning Conference and Expo, which will be held on Wednesday 1 March 2023 as part of SLAR’s LTExChange Symposium season. We invite Teesside University colleagues to nominate
Student Learning is hosting its first ever student conference and expo on Wednesday 1 March 2023, as part of SLAR’s LTExChange Symposium season. The theme of the event is ‘Student Success Through Partnership’ with partnership being explored under three key