A major update to Teams will be released in late September to mid-November. The update means that meeting recordings will automatically expire 60 days after recording unless action is taken by someone with edit options to save the recording. The
Presenting PowerPoints Through Teams
There are a few different ways to present PowerPoints in teams, such as sharing your desktop or uploading the PowerPoint into Teams and sharing it this way. However, the most convenient way of presenting PowerPoints is to share the presentation
Collaborative and Active Learning
“Active learning focuses on how students learn, not just on what they learn.” (Getting started with Active Learning, Cambridge International Education Teaching and Learning Team, 2020). It is a process where students are encouraged to actively participate in gaining a
Increased Engagement and Collaboration using Microsoft Teams in an Accounting Module
The FFL toolkit has been instrumental in increasing collaboration and engagement with technology in the discipline of Accounting and Finance. In particular the tools have been employed in a module at level 5 called Financial Accounting as part of the BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance course. This is a 20 credit semester-long module with a two hour lecture and two hour seminar every week.
In the first half of the course we discuss the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility. I present the main theories and approaches in the lecture and then the seminar is used to discuss and apply the theory.
Practice-based Exemplars of Microsoft Teams
At the LTE conference held at Teesside University on March 7th 2019, the Digital Learning Team shared some Practice-based Exemplars of Effective use of Microsoft Teams in Learning and Teaching. The exemplars were well received and sparked some discussion among participants on how Teams could be meaningfully used and embedded within modules…
Exploring Practice-based Exemplars of Effective use of Microsoft Teams in Learning and Teaching
Are you interested in seeing some examples of work from across the University on how Microsoft Teams can be used to support Learning and Teaching activities? At the LTE Conference on 8th March there’s the opportunity to do just that.
Microsoft Teams: To collaborate or not to collaborate?
Microsoft Teams, which is part of the Future Facing Learning toolkit, supports collaboration and co-authoring. When you add a Word, PowerPoint or Excel file to a team it’s automatically enabled to allow you to work together with other team users in real time on the same file…
Using Forms to create a quick poll in Teams
Within Microsoft Teams you can easily add a real time poll to the conversation area by mentioning Microsoft Forms. Great for instantly gaining quick feedback from your students. Polls can be created on the go through the iPad app…
Setting up group permissions within Class Notebook Collaboration Spaces
With Microsoft Teams you can set up a Class Team. Class Teams include a Class Notebook (OneNote) which once set-up provides a Collaboration Space that allow teachers and students to collaborate on group projects. The Collaboration Space in the Class Notebook is by default available for all members of the Team to edit…
Asking questions in a lecture using the FFL Toolkit
We often get asked about how academics can get students to ask questions in real time during a lecture, using the future facing learning (FFL) toolkit. Giving students the voice and confidence to be able to ask questions is a key part of the FFL project…