Exploring the prospects of future learning spaces in Higher Education

Exploring the prospects of future learning spaces in Higher Education

Teesside University Professor of Learning and Teaching, Sam Elkington, with Dr. Jill Dickinson (University of Leeds) are convening the ‘Landscapes of Learning for Unknown Futures: Prospects for Space in Higher Education’ Symposia Series in partnership with the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) starting on Wednesday April 26th. This (inter)national symposia series aims to provoke critical debate around the possibilities for new configurations of learning spaces to support decision-making, policy, and practice in developing future landscapes of learning within HE…

Teesside Action Research Group for the Enhancement of Teaching (TARGET) Gathering – Tuesday May 16th, 13:00 – 14:30

Teesside Action Research Group for the Enhancement of Teaching (TARGET) Gathering – Tuesday May 16th, 13:00 – 14:30

You are invited to the second meeting of the Teesside Action Research Group for the Enhancement of Teaching, or TARGET for short. The group brings together higher education practitioners and researchers across Teesside University with the aim of strengthening our capacity to engage in quality, high-impact, pedagogic research that is focused on core values of innovation, creativity, inclusivity, and diversity and that has demonstrable impact on higher education policies and practices…