Getting the Most out of Assessment and Feedback

This workshop is an opportunity for colleagues to engage with and reflect on different models for effective assessment and feedback practices and to gain valuable insights and practical guidance into ways they might optimise their own assessment practices for themselves and their students. The workshop itself aims to provide an interactive, open, and supportive environment within which to critically consider sector best practice, bringing together cutting-edge examples of innovative assessment and feedback practice…

Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) Sessions

LTE Online

Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) is the process the University uses to assure academic standards are maintained and to enhance the quality of learning opportunities for students.  The process is used to consider the student experience at course level, referencing key student satisfaction indicators, for example, the National Student Survey (NSS), Graduate Outcome statistics, the results of module evaluation, feedback from Student Voice Forums and from staff…

Reminder – Student Learning & Academic Registry (SLAR) Upcoming Staff Briefing Sessions

LTE Online

As we start the new academic year, Student Learning & Academic Registry (SLAR) will deliver two online briefings for University staff.
The briefings will provide information on the support available from SLAR throughout Semester 1, along with details of how to access the Continuous Professional Development opportunities available through the department…

Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement – CME

Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) is the process the University uses to assure academic standards are maintained and to enhance the quality of learning opportunities for students.  CME is a process of ongoing reflection informing course action planning, development and enhancement. The University’s approach to CME is based on capturing evidence of what has worked well and areas requiring enhancement. We are now offering sessions around the University’s CME process and in particular the Course Journal. To find out more click here…

Teesside University Professional Development Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning: Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELT)

Teesside University Professional Development Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning: Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELT)

RELT (Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching) is the University’s Professional Development Framework for teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education. It encompasses our PgCLTHE taught programme and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme; it is accredited by Advance HE, providing external and independent confirmation that these programmes are aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF)…