A national conference hosted by Teesside University, this event brings together sector leaders, researchers and academics to discuss what ‘the Education Revolution’ means to their practice and the direction and purpose of Higher Education.
The event seeks to help delegates answer how we can be more creative in approaches to learning and teaching, and assessment, and more specifically digital learning and digital technologies to get the best out of all students.
Our plan is to host four themes which the sector are talking about extensively on the day. Each theme will be in the form of a panel debate and discussion. We will put a panel of speakers together from different organisations to share practice and address key questions.
We are inviting colleagues at Teesside to apply to be on a panel at the Conference, showcasing leading thinking and research around breaking barriers and re-thinking the higher education system and how the sector can support learning to take place throughout a learner’s life.
You are invited to submit up to 500 words explaining your thoughts and research around any of the following themes:
- Designing future facing impactful learning
- Reimagining learning environments
- Strategy, infrastructure and culture change
- Digital divide and supporting inclusive learning
More detail on these themes can be found here.
Please email your application to elearning@tees.ac.uk by Sunday April 24th. We are very much looking forward to hearing from you.