As captured in the Student Success theme within the University’s Academic Enhancement Framework, excellence in Personal Tutoring at Teesside University is where: highly effective mentoring results in demonstrable enhancements around the student’s academic and professional performance, achievement and wellbeing.  To help achieve this, a solution focussed approach to mentoring can help students to find solutions to the challenges they are presented with.

Given the above and considering Personal Tutoring practices within the hybrid delivery model, the following forthcoming UKAT Webinar may be of interest to colleagues:

Coaching approaches for remote tutoring: helping students feel in control and connected (taking place on Thursday 25th June 2020, 2pm).

Delivered by Melanie Pope and Julie de Witt (University of Derby), this webinar will explore coaching tools for supporting students in personal tutorials.  In the remote working environment students may feel a loss of control over their learning process and agency towards their personal academic and life goals.  While guidance and advice can be important to help students to feel supported, coaching can give them a sense of taking control of their own situation and making their own decisions, especially within a situation that is not of their choice or making. Coaching in personal tutoring can also foster a strong sense of connection to the university at a time where students may be feeling very distant, because the approach is focused on the needs and desires of the individual but facilitated by tutors they know. In this webinar the presenters will introduce the principles of coaching as opposed to advising or mentoring, explore techniques for active listening from a coaching perspective, and apply the TGROW coaching model to the personal tutorial context

You can register for this webinar via this link:

Related to this area staff may also find used the Staff Guide: Developing Excellence in Personal Tutoring which has a section around: Solution-Focused Coaching in Personal Tutoring.  This guide was recently launched and helps support staff in their practices around Personal Tutoring.  It can be accessed via this link:

Solution-Focused Coaching in Personal Tutoring
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