This is a resource which aims to support L&T activity and innovation that Teesside is so well known for, to enhance L&T practice and ultimately our students’ university experience.
The section has two main functions:
- A one-stop-shop access to L&T resources and key information
- An online L&T community where everyone can participate and get involved in discussions around L&T; sharing innovative practice and collaborative thinking and L&T news.
Keep Updated
There are a few ways you can sign up to receive updates from LTE Online. Doing so means you don’t have to keep coming back to the site to check for new content – you’ll be told when something new is added. Click here to find out more.
Nurturing Creative Learners
At Teesside we seek to empower our students to deliver impact on a global scale through Future Facing Learning experiences that provide them with the knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve sustainable success in the workplaces of the future. Teesside University’s commitment to developing innovative learning and teaching is evidenced within many themes of its...
L&T Guidance and Support – FAQs
Below are a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help colleagues navigate the extensive resources available on LTE Online. Assessment and Creative Learning Q. Where can I find guidance on strategies for embedding Flexible Assessment in my own practice? A. LTE Bites No.6: ‘Strategies for Embedding Flexible Assessment’ can be found here. Q. Where...
Flexible Assessment for a Hybrid Model
Why Flexible Assessment? Assessment has a major impact on students and their learning whatever the delivery model (face-to-face, online, blended). Developing and deploying flexible and innovative assessment supports the need to be responsive to the requirements of a hybrid model of learning and teaching and the possibility of a combination of on-campus and online delivery...
VLE Implementation Project: Blackboard Ultra FAQs
The core technology underpinning our Virtual Learning Environment for campus-based courses, known as Blackboard Learn, is changing from September 2021. What is Blackboard Ultra and why are we moving to it? Blackboard Ultra is Blackboard's new VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) which will replace our current VLE, Blackboard Learn. In broad outline, Blackboard Ultra contains the...
Principles of Course Design for Hybrid Learning
Principles of Course Design: planning for multiple modes of learning and teaching As we embark on business recovery, our focus is now on embedding enhancements, nurturing excellence in delivery and strengthening resilience in the event of future disruption. From September 2020, the University will adopt a Hybrid Delivery Model consisting of on-campus and online delivery,...
Personal Tutoring
Personal Tutoring is a key component of the student journey and has the potential to significantly influence the student learning experience and improve retention and achievement. It is explicitly embedded into the University’s Academic Enhancement Framework (AEF) within the Student Success Theme; it is also more implicitly embedded in other themes notably the themes around...
Student Engagement
Student Engagement can have a positive impact on enhancing the student experience and has a critical role to play in improving student retention and achievement. Teesside University is committed to promoting effective engagement and key elements of its Learning and Teaching Strategy explicitly captures how we engage our students: Create a learning culture and an...
Credit Level Descriptors
Credit level descriptors provide a framework to aid programme and module development. They help us to develop learning outcomes that reflect the level expected. This means that the level expected in our programmes and modules is broadly comparable across the University and the sector.
General L&T Guides
There are a series of guides to help support staff in their learning and teaching role.
- Conducting Pedagogic Research: A Short Guide
- Designing, Delivering and Assessing Practical and Laboratory-based Sessions
- Formative Work and Feedback
- Guidelines for Inclusive Learning Resources
- Inclusivity for Teaching and Learning Support
- Learning Outcomes
- Retention and the Curriculum
- Work-based Learning
In at the Deep End
The purpose of this resource is to provide you with some initial help and guidance on your teaching role. It contains a wide variety of hints and suggestions on some key aspects of teaching in higher education. It is broken down into 3 areas: learning, teaching and assessment...
Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELT/PSF 2023)
RELT (Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching) is the University’s Professional Development Framework for teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education. It encompasses our PgCLTHE and CPD programmes and it is accredited by the Higher Education Academy providing external and independent confirmation that these programmes are aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching...
Recent Posts from the Learning & Teaching Blog
- Supporting Tutees During Ramadan: A Guide for Personal Tutors at Teesside
- TUCP Conference – Save the Date!
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – Week Commencing 30th October 2023, Book Now!
- LTExChange Events – Pedagogic Action Research Talks – Book Now!
- Principles of Course Design for Hybrid Learning toolkit – Part 2: Introducing your module to your students