LTE Online Support

LTE Online Support

Academic staff will now have received a copy of the Principles of Course Design for Hybrid Learning toolkit, as well as a variety of Practice Guide resources focused around four core themes (Personal Tutoring, Student Engagement, Flexible Assessment, and Creative Learning). We have now covered each part of the toolkit in our blogs…

Principles of Course Design for Hybrid Learning Toolkit – Part 3: Structuring your weekly content/topic content

Principles of Course Design for Hybrid Learning Toolkit – Part 3: Structuring your weekly content/topic content

Part three of the toolkit covers structuring your content. It is important that you consider the structure of your material. Hybrid learning is not as simple as just shifting existing materials online, some aspects may not work in the same way that they used to. Simply uploading materials and activities online is not an effective way of conducting learning in this environment…

LTE Online Support

LTE Online Support

Academic staff will now have received a copy of the Principles of Course Design for Hybrid Learning toolkit, as well as a variety of Practice Guide resources focused around four core themes (Personal Tutoring, Student Engagement, Flexible Assessment, and Creative Learning). We have begun to cover each part of the toolkit in our daily blogs, in order to provide a brief overview of how to use the toolkit…