The new Connect Benefit Series 2021-22 that AHE launched this August is a suite of projects running throughout the academic year designed to co-create and share innovative solutions to contemporary problems. They cover a number of themes including:

  • Student success
  • Inclusive institutions: enabling and supporting culture change
  • Transitions, retention and progression
  • Leading, change through teams and networks
  • Flexible pedagogies
  • Organisational wellbeing

They have begun the Connect Benefit Series for 2021-22 with a three month project running from August to October; ‘Transitions, retention and progression’ and a six-month longitudinal project running from August to February; ‘Student Success’.

Transitions, retention and progression provides a timely focus on the challenges and opportunities of different experiences and approaches to transitions, retention and progression and foster support through a community of practice that is designed to better prepare students, staff and other stakeholders for transitions into and through the 2021-22 academic year.

Student success will explore aspects of the core thematic areas for student success with an initial emphasis on access, retention, attainment and progression, and employability. The focus will ensure that the foundations for upcoming framework updates include and recognise hybrid, flexible and inclusive modes of teaching and learning.

Please do access the links above where you find some really useful information and resources, including podcasts and blogs, that may be of use to you in your professional practice. You are also able to register your interest around these key themes.

Advance HE Connect Benefit Series 2021-22
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