Ramadan is an important time for many Muslim students, involving fasting from dawn to sunset, increased prayer, and reflection. As a Personal Tutor, you play a vital role in supporting your tutees during this period.  Drawing from Creating an inclusive approach to teaching and learning during Ramadan: A brief evidence-based guide for educators in the UK by Pieri and Blagden (2024) we’ve identified ways to support students during Ramadan.  Some students may experience changes in energy levels, concentration, and participation due to fasting and altered sleep patterns, acknowledging these challenges and offering appropriate support can make a significant difference in a students’ experience.  Creating an inclusive approach benefits not only Muslim students observing Ramadan but also contributes to a more empathetic and supportive environment, small adaptations can have a profound impact on student well-being and success.


Ways to support students could include:

  1. Check-in and foster open conversations
    Encouraging tutees to share any concerns about managing their studies during Ramadan is important. A simple question such as “How are you finding your workload this month?” can create a space where students feel comfortable discussing their needs.
  2. Offer flexibility with meetings and deadlines
    Where possible, schedule meetings earlier in the day when students may feel more alert. If a tutee is struggling with deadlines, signpost them to university support services to explore options for reasonable adjustments.
  3. Signpost to student support services
    Ensuring students are aware of available well-being services, prayer spaces on campus, and academic support is essential. The guide by Pieri and Blagden (2024) emphasises the importance of clear communication about these resources.
  4. Advocate for inclusive teaching and assessments
    If a student is concerned about assessments, group work, or physically demanding activities, liaise with module leaders to explore possible adjustments that support student engagement while maintaining academic standards.
  5. Raise awareness among staff and students
    Encourage sensitivity towards fasting students by promoting awareness, such as being mindful of food-related social activities or recognising that energy levels may fluctuate throughout the day.

Further Support for Personal Tutors

If you need guidance on supporting your tutees or navigating complex situations, the Personal Tutoring Support Line at Teesside is here to help, you can access support by emailing PTsupport@tees.ac.uk.

Reference List

Pieri, E. and Blagden, N. (2024) Creating an inclusive approach to teaching and learning during Ramadan: A brief evidence-based guide for educators in the UK. Edge Hill University. Available at: https://figshare.edgehill.ac.uk/articles/educational_resource/Creating_an_inclusive_approach_to_teaching_and_learning_during_Ramadan_A_brief_evidence-based_guide_for_educators_in_the_UK/28381739 (Accessed: [27.02.2024]).


Supporting Tutees During Ramadan: A Guide for Personal Tutors at Teesside
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