Join us for the next Teesside Action Research Group for the Enhancement of Teaching (TARGET) Gathering – Tuesday May 16th, 13:00 – 14:30pm

You are invited to the second meeting of the Teesside Action Research Group for the Enhancement of Teaching, or TARGET for short. The group brings together higher education practitioners and researchers across Teesside University with the aim of strengthening our capacity to engage in quality, high-impact, pedagogic research that is focused on core values of innovation, creativity, inclusivity, and diversity and that has demonstrable impact on higher education policies and practices.

In partnership with the University’s LTExChange Network, TARGET encourages colleagues to participate in facilitated Action Research design workshops and research talks throughout the academic year.

Listen here to Professor Lydia Arnold’s talk – entitled “The ‘Pedagogic Action Research: An Honest Account of a Powerful Approach” – that launched the TARGET initiative back in November.

As a part of the LTExChange Network, the group is committed to showcasing the research in which members are already engaged; identify, pursue, and support new avenues of pedagogic research; enable greater internal networking and research collaboration; and explore external collaborative research partnerships. The group welcomes HE researchers in all areas and at all levels of experience to participate, allowing research collaborations to be enhanced through the diverse skills, experiences, and expertise among the membership.

Come and get involved!

The next gathering on Tuesday May 16th (13:00 – 14:30) will be face-to-face (on campus) and relatively informal – the aim being to bring colleagues together to share and discuss their current research and/or explore ideas for future research work in a supportive and collaborative environment.

Please contact Professor Sam Elkington ( to register your place for the TARGET gathering.  

Teesside Action Research Group for the Enhancement of Teaching (TARGET) Gathering – Tuesday May 16th, 13:00 – 14:30
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