Personal Tutoring at Teesside University provides a consistent, equitable and structured approach for all students to pastoral, general academic and professional support. With relation to providing professional support, Student Futures have pulled together some top tips; for all these tips, help is available from the Student Futures team…
Student Futures Support and Advice for Personal Tutors

Personal Tutoring at Teesside University provides a consistent, equitable and structured approach for all students to pastoral, general academic and professional support. With relation to providing professional support, Student Futures have pulled together some top tips…
Focus on the Future

With so many uncertainties and competing priorities, some students will have put their career plans on hold until recently. The Student Futures team is available to support students…
Student Futures FAQ – 10 things that all students should know

10 things students should know…Despite the team not being based on campus, Advisers are available throughout the week to talk to students by phone, Skype/Teams and to support via email. Read More..