Reminder – Teaching a Culturally Diverse Student Population staff training series – Questions of English in the classroom: Does language really matter?

Reminder – Teaching a Culturally Diverse Student Population staff training series – Questions of English in the classroom: Does language really matter?

In this session, ‘Questions of English in the classroom’ – Does language really matter?’, the English Language Centre will lead an exploration of approaches to effective communication, how audience and purpose play a role in this consideration and what strategies can be used to promote better understanding for all students.

Reminder – Teaching a Culturally Diverse Student Population Staff Training Series – How can the English Language Centre help with students’ academic skills development in a culturally diverse learning environment?

Reminder – Teaching a Culturally Diverse Student Population Staff Training Series – How can the English Language Centre help with students’ academic skills development in a culturally diverse learning environment?

It is well recognised that teaching students in a culturally diverse learning environment is extremely rewarding, but also present challenges, both for academics and students.  Such challenges will be daunting for those who have limited experience of supporting and teaching overseas students, but also for students experiencing for the first time an international classroom. Book onto this session here…

Reminder – Researching Pedagogic Practice Talk: Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Learning – From Novice to Enthusiast through Applied Exploration – Book now

Reminder – Researching Pedagogic Practice Talk: Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Learning – From Novice to Enthusiast through Applied Exploration – Book now

The online Research Pedagogic Practice series aims to shine a light on key aspects of pedagogy and the scholarship of teaching and learning, breaking down what the key aspects of pedagogy are and how these can be realised in current practice, whether that be online delivery, face to face delivery, or a mixture of both. The session will take place on Wednesday 27th September, please click here for more information…

Updated Academic Enhancement Framework (AEF) staff resources and guidance are now available

Updated Academic Enhancement Framework (AEF) staff resources and guidance are now available

The Academic Enhancement Framework (AEF) was developed to provide a mechanism through which key strategic initiatives are embedded within curriculum design and delivery. The AEF identifies clear themes for enhancement across the University; it encompasses the core Future Facing Learning themes (particularly relevant in the context of student learning, forming the University’s distinctive pedagogic approach) and other areas deemed integral to the wider student experience including the Student Voice and aspects of the Student Journey one of which is Student Success…