The second LTExChange Symposium takes place online on Wednesday February 19th (09:00am – 11:00am) exploring the theme of “Engaging spaces for learning”.

Our keynote will be Professor Andrew Middleton (Anglia Ruskin University) who will be exploring the theme of ‘Rediscovering Space in a Time of Flux: the opportunities of multimodal education’.

Outline: The keynote will explore ideas of space and how they can help us to develop our students, ourselves, and our graduates as the confident navigators and negotiators we need to be in a time of flux. Using VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) to establish our teaching and learning conundrum, the presentation will introduce the ideas of spatial fluency and multimodality as lenses for reimagining education. Research into spatial fluency, as part of a national QAA Collaborative Enhancement project ‘Harnessing Multimodalities’ reveals that even though space may feel familiar, its significant nuances are largely overlooked in the post-pandemic and postdigital ‘new normalities’ we share today. By examining space, we will realise that we have strategies we can use with our students that tap into their creativity, their diversity, and their qualities as becoming graduates.

Disciplinary Insights – sharing practice!

The LTExChange symposium explores the challenges and opportunities for working with new and emerging conceptualisations of space within our learning and teaching practices and course designs. To this end, the second hour of the symposium will comprise a panel discussion, bringing together colleagues from across the university to discuss a range of practice-based work aligned to the broader theme of “Engaging spaces for learning”.

Meeting our panel members!

Rosie Jones – Director of Student and Library Services

Vanessa Cockin – Senior Lecturer in Education (School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law)

Andrea Brown – Senior Lecturer in Education (School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law)

Abigail Green – Associate Professor in Clinical Simulation (School of Health and Life Sciences)

Sophie Nicholls –  Associate Professor in Learning and teaching (School of Arts and Creative Industries)


Revisit the first LTExChange Symposium!

The first LTExChange Symposium took place on Wednesday November 27th  exploring the theme of ‘Harnessing (Gen)AI to Promote Student Learning”.

Our keynote Dr. Martin Compton (Kings College, London) discussed how we can leverage Generative AI for a transformed teaching and assessment future.

Teesside University Colleagues can request the recording link by contacting


To book the “Engaging spaces for learning” Symposium on Wednesday February 19th please click here.

2024-25 LTExChange Symposia Series, Wednesday February 19th  

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