In light of the rescheduled Student Learning ‘Student Success Through Partnership’ Conference, we are delighted to be able to reopen the window for a short period for anyone still wishing to submit a student partnership project for inclusion. The new deadline for submission is 16.30 on Friday 17th March 2023. All new submissions will be added to the pool of existing submissions for consideration as part of the event on Tuesday 25th April.

Further details of the event can be found below:

Student Learning is hosting its first ever student conference and expo on Tuesday 25th April 2023, as part of SLAR’s LTExChange Symposium season.

The theme of the event is ‘Student Success Through Partnership’ with partnership being explored under three key areas:
– staff/student partnership working
– collaboration through industry/professional experience
– the student voice: a positive vessel for change

Our aim is that the event will contribute to the nurturing and enhancement of graduate attributes through learning and research and will help to cultivate a sense of belonging at Teesside through partnership and engagement.

We look to highlight the correlation between success and partnership, and to inspire students via shining a spotlight on current partnership projects.

The event will consist of:
– An exhibition of current student partnership projects
– A series of student voice ‘campfire’ discussion hubs on some of higher education’s current ‘wicked problems’
– A panel talk and Q&A around embodying the values of partnership though University and beyond

Call for proposals

We invite colleagues to nominate any innovative and dynamic student partnership projects they may be involved with, for inclusion in the expo. We ask for a short statement encompassing the project brief and how the student wishes to display their work (poster / live demonstration / video / stand). The brief should be no more than 500 words or a 2-minute video and should be submitted to by 16.30 Friday 17th March 2023.

Student Success Through Partnership: A Student Learning Conference and Expo – Call for Proposals Reopened

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