The Module Evaluation Surveys for Semester 1 began on Monday (14th November), and will run for 2 weeks until midnight on Sunday, 27th November.

The format will be the same as in previous surveys, though this time, we have a couple of extra features designed to support colleagues who are looking to increase the response rates for their surveys.

  • As well as the survey start notification, we will also be emailing module leaders with the latest response rates during the two weeks that the surveys are running. The emails will additionally contain suggestions on how response rates can be increased.
  • One of these suggestions is a link to a downloadable PowerPoint file which contains the QR code for accessing the generic “works for anyone” survey website link for students. If shown on the main screen in a lecture theatre / GPT room, many students will be able to access their surveys, simply by pointing their phone at it.You can also download the QR Code from here.

Communications Schedule for Semester 1 Evaluations

Students will receive:

  • 14th November: Personalised invitation to complete their module survey(s), with direct links to each survey and instructions on how to complete.
  • 21st November: Personalised reminder to complete any incomplete module surveys

Module Leaders will receive:

  • 14th November: Survey Start Notification for each module, with information and links on how students can access their surveys (Blackboard, MyTU etc).
  • 17th 22nd and 24th November: Response Rate update email, giving module leaders the latest response rate for each module and suggestions on how it can be enhanced.
  • 28th November: Your Next Steps email, giving module leaders the results of individual surveys and guiding them on how to complete the module reflections and review.

The deadline for completing module reflections is 4.30pm on Friday 9th December. Students will receive their email containing the survey results and module reflections, shortly after the deadline.

For more information about the Module Surveys, please see LTE Online:

Semester 1 Module Surveys

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