We are excited to announce that the 2021 UKAT Annual Conference will be held online and will focus on the theme of inclusion in higher education. We have a feature-packed programme of activities under development which we can’t wait to share with you. Our intention is to make the conference as conversational as possible so that delegates can easily and freely share ideas and practice with one another.

We are working hard with our European colleagues to interconnect the UKAT conference with another European advising conference happening at the same time. Our aim is to share some content and sessions to make it a larger and more varied conference representing a wide range of perspectives on supporting student success. And all of the conference content will be recorded and will remain perpetually available to all conference participants after the event. Watch out for more announcements about our keynote speakers coming soon!

Clicking on the ‘save the date’  link below will download a calendar entry so you can keep the date reserved in your diary.

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We look forward to welcoming you to our 2021 Conference!

UKAT Annual Conference 2021
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