It can be useful to use Turnitin as part of your assignment within Blackboard. Using Turnitin can make it easy for you to collate all your student’s assignments, as well as view originality reports.

How does it work?

Turnitin works by comparing a student’s assignment with a range of other assignments online, as well as websites and other sources. Students can upload their assignments via Turnitin themselves, or you can upload them yourself.

How do I set up an assignment?

There is guidance available on Blackboard about setting up a Turnitin assignment for summative assessment. It can be found by following the link here:

Can I add feedback to an assignment?

You can add feedback using the Turnitin Feedback Studio. This way, you can access the similarity report for the assignment, and add feedback at the same time. There are several different ways to add feedback to the assignment:

  • Voice notes
  • Text
  • Adding comments directly to a document
  • Rubrics

Further information on how to add feedback to a Turnitin assignment can be found here:


Using Turnitin within your assignments

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