This briefing is aimed at colleagues with a keen interest in participating as a panel member for Teesside University Collaborative Partnership and Course Validation Events. This session would also benefit experienced Panel Members as an opportunity to refresh and update recent enhancements to validation practices and processes.
Workload Management in Teesside University comprises two key elements – the Academic Workload Management Framework (AWMF) and the Academic Workload System (AWS). The Academic Workload Framework provides a comprehensive, common and clear set of arrangements to recognise academic work activities and responsibilities with appropriate tariff allocations. The Academic Workload System provides a fully integrated University systems infrastructure which ensures University management information is located and accessible in real-time to all stakeholders as appropriate throughout the year.
This session will introduce academic staff to the AWMF along with discussing the process of workload planning, publication and acceptance of workload allocations.
StREAM is the University’s learner analytics platform. The use of learner analytics is designed to support all our students in maximising their chances of success and realising their potential. SLAR will be hosting a series of monthly institution-wide sessions on StREAM aimed at teaching staff to will help you understand the platform and the affordances of learner analytics for timely student support.
Chris Cherry from the Strategic Development Network will deliver a 1.5 hour introductory briefing for TU staff on HTQs with particular emphasis on principles of HTQ delivery, approval process, curriculum development and assessment strategy.