Introduction to Academic Workload at TU

MS Teams

Workload Management in Teesside University comprises two key elements – the Academic Workload Management Framework (AWMF) and the Academic Workload System (AWS). The Academic Workload Framework provides a comprehensive, common and clear set of arrangements to recognise academic work activities and responsibilities with appropriate tariff allocations.  The Academic Workload System provides a fully integrated University systems infrastructure which ensures University management information is located and accessible in real-time to all stakeholders as appropriate throughout the year.

Using Learner Analytics impactfully for student support via StREAM


StREAM is the University’s learner analytics platform. The use of learner analytics is designed to support all our students in maximising their chances of success and realising their potential. SLAR will be hosting a series of monthly institution-wide sessions on StREAM aimed at teaching staff to will help you understand the platform and the affordances of learner analytics for timely student support.

Academic Skills and Artificial Intelligence in Education

Room T2.11 The Curve, Teesside University, Middlesbrough Campus

Together with Turnitin, Teesside University is hosting an institution-wide event bringing together a wide range of academics and practitioners to discuss how we continue to reimagine the support for the development of students’ academic skills in light of generative AI tools.

Introduction to Academic Workload at TU

MS Teams

Workload Management in Teesside University comprises two key elements – the Academic Workload Management Framework (AWMF) and the Academic Workload System (AWS). The Academic Workload Framework provides a comprehensive, common and clear set of arrangements to recognise academic work activities and responsibilities with appropriate tariff allocations.  The Academic Workload System provides a fully integrated University systems infrastructure which ensures University management information is located and accessible in real-time to all stakeholders as appropriate throughout the year.

This session will introduce academic staff to the AWMF along with discussing the process of workload planning, publication and acceptance of workload allocations.

Designing Learning Experiences on Blackboard Ultra


A series of monthly institution-wide sessions aimed at colleagues in Schools understand the basics of Blackboard Ultra and get to grips with the features they will be expected to use when setting up and delivering modules and assessing learning. A key feature of these sessions will be to help colleagues design impactful learning experiences on the VLE, ensuring that the VLE becomes an expansion of the learning ecosystem.