Learning from the mock review: The progress review (Apprenticeships)

MS Teams

An overview of the mock review undertaken by FE Associates, including the feedback received regarding the progress reviews and learning from good practice. Supported by real-life examples of an Apprenticeship Quality Coach observed during the process

AI in Education

MS Teams

A facilitative workshop for academic staff and professional services staff across the University, to come together to discuss the affordances of AI in Education, how it can be utilized in the classroom with students, how we can build AI literacies for staff and students and the efficiencies of AI in our daily roles

How to Refer Students into University Support Services

Room TG.06 The Curve, Teesside University, Middlesbrough Campus

As a module tutor you may encounter students struggling with various aspects of their academic or personal lives. It can be useful to know how to respond to these situations and what advice to give.

Introduction to Academic Workload at TU

MS Teams

This session will introduce academic staff to the Academic Workload Management Framework (AWMF) along with the process of workload planning, publication and acceptance of workload allocations.

Introduction to Regulations

MS Teams

Workshops for academic and professional staff involved in the progression and award of students through the Assessment Board process with a specific focus on the Assessment Regulations