Students’ academic skills development in a culturally diverse learning environment: How the Language Centre can help.

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It is well recognised that teaching students in a culturally diverse learning environment is extremely rewarding, but also present challenges, both for academics and students.  Such challenges will be daunting for those who have limited experience of supporting and teaching overseas students, but also for students experiencing for the first time an international classroom.

ChatGPT: To ban or not to ban

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Is it possible to detect the use of ChatGPT in assessments? Is it right to punish students for using it or should we be trusting them? And is banning ChatGPT as futile as banning google? Join us to hear from a range of perspectives on the appropriate response to ChatGPT in higher education.

Using Learner Analytics impactfully for student support via StREAM

M6.08 Middlesbrough Tower

StREAM is the University’s learner analytics platform. The use of learner analytics is designed to support all our students in maximising their chances of success and realising their potential. SLAR will be hosting a series of monthly institution-wide sessions on StREAM aimed at teaching staff to will help you understand the platform and the affordances of learner analytics for timely student support.

LTExChange Symposium Event – Decolonising Learning and Teaching

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In this keynote talk we will explore issues of power, privilege, and pedagogy in our post pandemic learning landscape. We are delighted to welcome Professor Sally Everett (Kings College London, UK) as keynote speaker for the second LTExChange Symposium of the year.

Questions of English in the classroom

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In this session, ‘Questions of English in the classroom’, the English Language Centre will lead an exploration of approaches to effective communication, how audience and purpose play a role in this consideration and what strategies can be used to promote better understanding for all students.

ChatGPT: How do I use it as a force for good?

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It’s right to address the threat ChatGPT poses to academic integrity.  But it’s also an amazing new tool.  How can ChatGPT support and facilitate deeper learning? How can it make teaching easier? This online panel discussion will explore the opportunities ChatGPT presents the sector, from admin, to teaching, to learning.