Below are a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help colleagues navigate the extensive resources available on LTE Online.
Assessment and Creative Learning
Q. Where can I find guidance on strategies for embedding Flexible Assessment in my own practice?
A. LTE Bites No.6: ‘Strategies for Embedding Flexible Assessment’ can be found here.
Q. Where can I find more information on designing alternatives to traditional examinations?
A. LTE Bites No.7: ‘Designing Take Home Examinations’ can be found here.
Q. Where can I find information and guidance around developing learning designs that nurture creative learning?
A. The Nurturing Creative Learning staff guide resource can be found here.
Personal Tutoring
Q. Where can I find more information around Personal Tutoring and supporting my students?
A. More information is available here.
Q. Where can I find more information and guidance around engaging my students?
A. More information is available here.
Q. Is there any guidance around using the StREAM system itself?
A. Yes – the Learner Analytics section of the Student Learning & Academic Registry Unity site contains a complete User Guide, as well as shorter guides for things like Interactions, Filters, Referrals and the Algorithm, Weightings and Engagement Calculations. There are also some more FAQs related to StREAM.
Digital and Online Learning
Q. Where can I find more about using ReView for recording videos, e.g. screen recording or ‘lecture capture’?
A. Some general information about using ReView can be found here. Please note: our advice regarding ReView and providing lectures online is to chunk your content up into smaller, more easily consumable videos (of, say, 10-15 minutes) rather than providing one 60 minute recording.
Q. What about online communication and collaboration?
A. We have some great advice on Microsoft Teams and Blackboard Collaborate (with plenty of links to more specific help).
Q. I am delivering Online Learning through TU Online – what help is available for me?.
A. For colleagues working on the BCIP Online Learning Project with the OL team in Student Learning & Academic Registry, we have the following help:
Inclusivity and Accessibility
Q. Is there guidance around principles of inclusivity?
A. Yes – you can find this here, along with our Guidelines for Creating Inclusive Learning Resources.
Q. What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
A. You can find an overview of UDL here.
Q. What is the new accessibility legislation and what does it mean for my teaching?
A. For teaching purposes the legislation mainly applies to content uploaded to the VLE. We have guidance on the new accessibility requirements for websites for an overview on what you need to consider in your digital teaching provision.
Q. How can I create learning resources that are accessible?
A. There are accessibility principles that can be applied when developing presentations and visual and audio resources. We have guidance on the following types of learning resources:
Making PowerPoint presentations accessible
Making video and audio accessible
Creating accessible diagrams and charts
Q. How do I make my written documents accessible?
A. We have step by step guidance on creating accessible documents with the following applications available to everyone.
Making Adobe Acrobat PDF documents accessible
Making Word documents accessible
Q. What advice can I give my students to access resources in ways that suit their needs?
A. We have guidance on Using Adobe Acrobat PDF Text to Speech and Sway accessibility viewing options. Student with existing arrangements or reasonable adjustments, should contact Disability Services.
Q. How can I provide captions for my video recordings?
A. We have a number of solutions for providing video recordings and live events that have in-build captioning capabilities. ReView (Panopto) is our main platform for creating video resources and lecture capture and provides auto-captions for editing. Microsoft Teams will also make available auto-captions for recorded meetings. Blackboard Collaborate gives options to designate a participant the role of captioner in the meeting to provide summary captions. We also have some advice on what to include in video captions and transcripts and accessibility best practices for webinars and meetings.