Personal Tutoring is a key component of the student journey and has the potential to significantly influence the student learning experience and improve retention and achievement. It is explicitly embedded into the University’s Academic Enhancement Framework (AEF) within the Student Success Theme; it is also more implicitly embedded in other themes notably the themes around Future Ready, Transitions and Wellbeing. The AEF provides the structure through which Future Facing Learning and other key strategic priorities, are embedded within the academic practice ensuring students are provided with the skills and knowledge to thrive in complex and uncertain futures and achieve sustainable success in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Teesside University has a Personal Tutoring Code of Practice which covers all undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree courses at Teesside University. Its aim is to enhance the learning experience, well-being and achievement of Teesside University Students, helping to ensure that each student is known, valued and their respective needs recognised and supported. The overall objective of Personal Tutoring at Teesside University is to provide a consistent, equitable and structured approach for all students to pastoral, general academic and professional support. The Personal Tutor is a member of academic staff assigned to an individual student as a source of pastoral, general academic and professional support. The Personal Tutor, a key point of contact, will assist students with their transition into, and progression through, their Higher Education studies drawing on learner analytics as appropriate.
Teesside University Personal Tutoring Code of Practice and Guidance Notes on Personal Tutoring for Planned Provision of Online Learning can be accessed here in the Quality Framework.
The documents are located in the Supporting Information pane which is located to the right of the Quality Framework site.
Supporting Resources
Developing Excellence in Personal Tutoring
- This Staff Guide provides some additional support for Personal Tutors, particularly in the context of delivering courses through the hybrid delivery model; it should be read in conjunction with the University Personal Tutoring Code of Practice.
SLS have produced some useful documents and guidance to help staff support students and these can be found here.
Using StREAM
We’ve released a page of resources for you with guidance on how to use the StREAM system. You can find this here: