This project (and my learning technologist buddy Russell!) has prompted me to achieve another first! I have increasing used my iPad during class to capture and share outputs from group activities etc but for the first time I have created some video resources for one of the open learning units using this equipment. I dare say I’m not alone in finding watching yourself on video unpleasant and I can certainly see plenty of room for improvement in terms of video and content – however, given that I am an academic who is focused on enabling learning, with a tiny bit of media training from a former life and not a film star/presenter used to presenting to the camera, I am pleasantly surprised at how easy this is and by the positive feedback from others on the results  – I am already thinking of doing it again in another area of my work as a means of creating reusable learning resources so it can’t have been too painful. I would therefore encourage others to have a go if they haven’t already –feel the fear and do it anyway – the really scary bit is putting them on YouTube! – here are 2 examples:

 “Teesside University JISC HEA Open Learning Project – An Overview”

 “Developing a HEA Fellowship Application – Teesside University JISC HEA Open Learning Unit”

Creating reusable learning resources using personal mobile technology
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