Why are there never enought hours in the day? One of the key learning points for anyone contemplating developing a DL module or programme is how much time it takes. Thought I’m well aware of this, its still a surpise how other things eat into the time I have scheduled to undertake this activity. Nevertheless I did manage to have a very productive meeting with Eric last week and we think we have greater clarity about how the learning hours are to be managed in this module. Today I’m meeting with Russell to discuss how we can organise the information about the module and resource map, hopefully explifying good practice that the students will learn from. I think the module is beginning to take on more shape, but could do with just a few more hours……… hopefully I have learnt to add my blog to the right category and given it the correct tag this time around
Developing learning units for DL module
Thanks for the update Babs – however frustrating in terms of the time things take – this looks like progress to me.