Teesside University Professional Development Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning: Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELT/PSF 2023)

Teesside University has its own Professional Development Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning which is named Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELT).

University colleagues can ensure their professional practice is PSF 2023 recognised either through the Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (PgCLTHE) taught Programme and/or the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme. The PgCLTHE provides Advance HE Associate Fellow and Fellow recognition and the CPD Programme provides Advance HE Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow recognition.

The University’s RELT Professional Development Framework (2021-2025) is accredited by Advance HE and as such provides external and independent confirmation that our PgCLTHE and CPD Programmes are aligned with the Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education 2023 (PSF 2023).

When you join Teesside University there may be requirement for you to gain Fellowship recognition through successfully completing the taught PgCLTHE Programme. For other colleagues gaining Fellowship recognition through the CPD Programme may be more appropriate. Key contacts for both the PgCLTHE and CPD Programmes can be found below.

The Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education
PSF 2023: Dimensions and Descriptors
Higher Education and Eligibility for Fellowship
The Fellowship Category Tool
The Fellowship Categories & Benefits of Recognition
Why Apply for PSF 2023 Fellowship Recognition
Key Contacts

The University’s Professional Development Framework: RELT is managed by the Academic Development Team within Student Learning & Academic Registry; Dr Helen Tidy and Professor Sam Elkington are the Academic Leads for the Framework.

Dr Helen Tidy (SFHEA) (RLA)

Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching

School of Health & Life Sciences

Email: H.Tidy@tees.ac.uk

Professor Sam Elkington (PFHEA)

Professor in Learning and Teaching

Academic Development, Student Learning & Academic Registry

Email: S.Elkington@tees.ac.uk

Sally Dobson

Project Officer

Academic Development, Student Learning & Academic Registry

Email: Sally.Dobson@tees.ac.uk

Lynne Horrigan

Assistant Administrator

Academic Development, Student Learning & Academic Registry

Email: L.Horrigan@tees.ac.uk

Steven Fletcher (FHEA)

Programme Leader for the Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Law

Email: s.fletcher@tees.ac.uk

Colleagues interested in, or studying on, the Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (PgCLTHE) should seek further information from: Steven Fletcher (PgCLTHE Programme Leader).

If you are interested in progressing an application via the CPD Programme, then you should first attend a ‘Recognising Excellence in Learning and Teaching – RELT’ workshop. This is the first step in the process and this workshop will help you decide the most appropriate Fellowship category for you and help you to consider when are able to register onto the programme and commence working on an application.  The workshops take place on a regular basis throughout the year and you can find out further details about the sessions, including booking here: Upcoming Events – LTE Online (tees.ac.uk). A comprehensive Participant Guide around the CPD Programme is provided to colleagues once they have registered their intent to progress a PSF 2023 Fellowship application.