Using Learner Analytics impactfully for student support via StREAM


StREAM is the University’s learner analytics platform. The use of learner analytics is designed to support all our students in maximising their chances of success and realising their potential. SLAR will be hosting a series of monthly institution-wide sessions on StREAM aimed at teaching staff to will help you understand the platform and the affordances of learner analytics for timely student support.

Using Learner Analytics impactfully for student support via StREAM


StREAM is the University’s learner analytics platform. The use of learner analytics is designed to support all our students in maximising their chances of success and realising their potential. SLAR will be hosting a series of monthly institution-wide sessions on StREAM aimed at teaching staff to will help you understand the platform and the affordances of learner analytics for timely student support.

Using Learner Analytics impactfully for student support via StREAM


StREAM is the University’s learner analytics platform. The use of learner analytics is designed to support all our students in maximising their chances of success and realising their potential. SLAR will be hosting a series of monthly institution-wide sessions on StREAM aimed at teaching staff to will help you understand the platform and the affordances of learner analytics for timely student support.