I’m presenting at the Blackboard World Conference in Washington DC. The abstract for my paper is as follows:
This presentation examines the quality of e-learning in our courses. Beyond a small proportion of courses which are exemplary, many courses simply still use Bb as a document dump. The University of Teesside received national project funding last year to consider ‘e-quality’; here we will present the framework (presentation, organisation, communication, construction) developed during the project, reveal the data on our own system, and suggest ways to improve course quality across the board
Here are my resources for the Reality Check presentation at #BbWorld09. They are:
- my slides (slideshare includes hidden files, so you’re seeing the blank SMS polling screens that won’t work in the US)
- our e-learning framework
- a publicly consumable version of my report/description on the framework
- an article I wrote on evaluating e-learning a long time ago, but poss still relevant
- Update August 26th: the Echo360 recording of my presentation is here
The polls – if you’d like to take them even in retrospect (please don’t, if you will answer in hindsight, but do if you’d like to get a picture of current practice!)