8 ways to cope with exams

Exams. If even the word makes you feel a little uneasy, you’re not alone. At any time of life, it’s not uncommon to feel worried or under pressure as you approach exam season. The good news is, there are a range of things you can do to help you prepare and deal with the stress … Continue reading “8 ways to cope with exams”

How to workout like a ‘weekend warrior’

Exercise. It’s that one thing many of us would like to devote more time to, but can often find ourselves struggling to squeeze in. Busy lives can often mean the only spare time we have for exercise is on a weekend – whether that’s a quick trip to the gym, going for a run, or … Continue reading “How to workout like a ‘weekend warrior’”

Turn up the heat to improve veggies

As kids, many of us will recall being told to ‘eat our greens’ and encouraged to consume lots of vegetables as a way to stay healthy. Vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals and an excellent source of dietary fibre, which can help reduce digestion problems. There is often a general assumption that … Continue reading “Turn up the heat to improve veggies”

7 low maintenance houseplants to liven up your space

There are so many benefits to having houseplants in your home. They’re credited with having a positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing, help to cleanse the air we breathe and provide visual interest in any space.   But even if you’re not particularly green fingered, there are still plenty of options to help you … Continue reading “7 low maintenance houseplants to liven up your space”