8 study spots on campus

Finding the perfect study spot is a real-life Goldilocks moment. It  needs to be just right, and ‘just right’ looks different for different people. Some need a constant murmur of background noise, while others require complete silence. There’s the ones who need to be surrounded by colour and those who want to stare at a … Continue reading “8 study spots on campus”

Celebrating our women in engineering

International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), which is marked on June 23,  celebrates the contribution to engineering from amazing women across the world. At Teesside University, we’re proud of the incredible women who have chosen a career in engineering. We spoke a few of those who have forged successful engineering careers to share their insight … Continue reading “Celebrating our women in engineering”

9 photo ops to help you capture graduation

Class of 2024 – you’re finally here. Your hard work has brought you to your graduation ceremony, and we can’t wait to celebrate your academic achievements at Teesside University. To help you capture the moment, we’re sharing some inspo for your grad pics. After all, everyone loves a good photo op, right? Visit the flower … Continue reading “9 photo ops to help you capture graduation”

What happens on graduation day?

Graduation day is a special day for university students. It’s a day to celebrate all the hard work that’s led to your academic achievement and marks the end of your university journey (for now, at least!). To make sure you get the most out of your day, it’s important to be prepared. In this blog, … Continue reading “What happens on graduation day?”

9 tips for spring cleaning a student kitchen

No matter how you frame it or how many times you do it, it’s difficult to motivate yourself to do housework – nevertheless, it needs to be done. And research shows a good spring clean can actually leave you feeling calmer, happier and more focused. It’s all about a tidy space and a tidy mind. … Continue reading “9 tips for spring cleaning a student kitchen”

Your guide to applying for a scholarship

The first time I came across the word ‘scholarship’, it was when the protagonist in an American teen movie received one, which meant they could finally study at the college they’d dreamed of since they were little. So, it’s easy to think of them as things that exist in a fictional world. But they’re actually … Continue reading “Your guide to applying for a scholarship”

Top tips for studying during Ramadan

Ramadan takes place on the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and is one of the holiest months of the year for Muslims. It’s a time for spiritual reflection, worship and fasting from sunrise to sunset. This year Ramadan is expected to begin on Sunday 10 March, depending on the sighting of the moon, and … Continue reading “Top tips for studying during Ramadan”

The Open Book Club

World Book Day is just around the corner, and Talking Teesside has teamed up with Robyn and Amy from The Open Book Club to share a few  of their recent literary favourites. The Open Book Club founders also share more about their increasingly popular  series of monthly book club reading meet-ups and social events. We’re … Continue reading “The Open Book Club”

5 successful businesses you didn’t know got a head start at Teesside University

Enrol > study > graduate > get a job. It’s the traditional route that a lot of us imagine when we think of beginning our careers after university. But, it’s not the only path. Some students and graduates want to go their own way and set up a business for themselves. And, at Teesside University, … Continue reading “5 successful businesses you didn’t know got a head start at Teesside University”