Your portfolio says a lot about you. It’s a pathway of your creative journey so it’s important that it’s a true reflection of you.

Here are some top tips to help make your portfolio stand out from the crowd…

1. Present your work as clearly as possible. Going through a piece of work and demonstrating your journey from the initial idea to the finish shows clear progression and the thought process behind your masterpiece.

2. Start strong. A solid piece of work at the start sets you off on the right foot. It’ll also help boost your confidence in an interview as the first piece of work you discuss.

3. End on a good note. Similarly, you want to leave a lasting impression so end with a strong piece of work that will resonate with the panel.

4. Include briefs and titles. This demonstrates how you responded to the brief and creates talking points about your decision-making. It’s also a great way to help interviewers ask you questions and understand your skills as a creative.

5. Bring along your development work. This evidences the creative decisions you made along the way. It tells the interviewers a lot about you and how you work.

6. Last but not least, label your folder. You’d be surprised how many applicants forget to put their name and contact information on their portfolios. Make sure yours is clearly labelled with your name and address. That way we can make sure it gets back to you.

Most importantly, remember to relax and be yourself. You’ve already done the hard work creating these pieces and this is just putting them all together to show off your expertise.